Eyewear and Gas Welding

Eyewear and Gas Welding

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I have been a fabricator for 20 years in aircraft, racecar tubs and structures. I Tig everything except aluminum tanks and turbo intake plenums.

I have have both cobalt and Burtweld lenses. The cobalts never get used because they make me dizzy. The Burtwelds work great. How does your gas lense compare with the Burtweld lense?

I am doing more metal shaping these days and gas welding more aluminum panels. I read your lense comparison and I am worried that the Burtweld fall into Didymium catagory. Fill me in. I am set in my ways and still prefer the little round lenses. You don't offer any of those style do you?

Thanks for you help. Keep doing your great job of promoting our trade and craft.

The Tin Man Respondeth:

Glad to hear you don't wear the old cobalts. The Burts are a nice green and do block the sodium orange, but are a little shy on protection. Folks who swore by the Burts actually say our TM2K lenses are better. I think it must be an improvement in the safety, because they are noticeably different when tested with the spectrophotometer. The 50MM roundies are available by special order, for all you "stuck" craftsmen.

All the best,

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